I am using AWS and the EC2 instances extensively. However I had one issue with finding the best prices for on demand and spot instances. So I developed my own code to check the best prices.
The software will collect the data from AWS and will put it in a sqlite database. It keeps the data for 1 week. Any data older than 1 week will be replaces.
Here is a sample screenshot for graphical user interface

Here is an example of text output:
$ python awsEC2pricing.py -t 8 32
Records are up-to-date
vCPU: 8.00
RAM: 32.00
OS: Linux
Region: US East (N. Virginia)
Instance vCPU RAM OS PriceH PriceM SpotH SpotM KillRate
t3a.2xlarge 8.00 32.00 Linux 0.30080 216.57600 0.10610 76.39200 <5%
m6g.2xlarge 8.00 32.00 Linux 0.30800 221.76000 0.00000 0.00000
t3.2xlarge 8.00 32.00 Linux 0.33280 239.61600 0.16100 115.92000 <5%
m5a.2xlarge 8.00 32.00 Linux 0.34400 247.68000 0.20950 150.84000 15-20%
t2.2xlarge 8.00 32.00 Linux 0.37120 267.26400 0.11850 85.32000 >20%
m5.2xlarge 8.00 32.00 Linux 0.38400 276.48000 0.19390 139.60800 5-10%
Link for github repo: https://github.com/fuatu/awsEC2pricefinder